He also knew South Africa could ill-afford what had happened at independence in neighbouring Mozambique: a mass exodus of whites with their skills and capital. 他也知道南非无法承受邻国莫桑比克独立时的局面:大量白人带着他们的技术和资本离开莫桑比克。
Analysts say that while emerging markets have been the setting for several recent financial squalls, the current exodus of capital could herald more fundamental changes. 分析师表示,尽管新兴市场国家是近期几场金融风暴的发生地,但当前的资本外流可能预示着更根本的变化。
The large-scale exodus of capital from Asia is contributing to a sharp contraction of economics in the region& economics described just over a year ago as vibrant and growing. 大规模的资金外流使得亚洲经济从一年前的活跃增长中急剧萎缩。
The phenomenon is particularly striking in the US, where there was a$ 109bn exodus of foreign capital in the last three quarters of last year, against a$ 774bn inflow in the previous nine months. 美国的现象尤为突出:在去年后三个季度,外国资本净流出1090亿美元,而之前的9个月则是净流入7740亿美元。
In the current capital investment approach, one way or another disadvantage: lack of financial capital investment, the financial capital of the weak nature of the rural economy due to mass exodus, a small amount of private capital, lack of specifications. 目前的资金投入方式,都有这样或那样的缺点:财政资金投入不足、金融资金由于农村经济的弱质性大量外逃、民间资本量小又缺乏规范。